ACT London Member benefits
ACT London member benefits include
- joining a lively friendly group of highly experienced practitioners
- a shared passion for helping women and couples with fertility, pregnancy and childbirth
- active support for each other and our practices
- working as a team to cover patients when required
- an excellent referral network
- 6 meetings a year – these are currently by Zoom and will return to our Fitzroy Square base in the future
- excellent guest speakers including obstetricians, midwives, herbalists, psychologists, osteopaths, nutritionists and doulas
- networking with other ACT member groups in the UK – Brighton, Bristol and Oxford
- another of the ACT London member benefits is having the expertise of 2 acupuncture supervision members in the group
Contact Us
Enquiries should be directed to one of our Committee members:
- To learn more about our work and future speakers: Anne Harrabin
- ACT London Member inquiries about joining: Rosalie Segal
- ACT London website: Pia Huber
Our ACT London Patron
Debra Betts
Leading international teacher on the use of acupuncture and acupressure for promoting normal birth and general obstetric practice. Author of ‘The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth’ 2006
Future ACT London member meetings
To be held on Zoom for the foreseeable future (except social meetings as detailed below
- Wednesday 12 March 2025- Speaker: Cinzia Scorzon: Use of extra-ordinary in Gynaecology
- Tuesday 13 May 2025 – this date may be moved to accommodate a 3 hour training in person on Neurodiversity
- Wednesday 9 July 2025 – Speaker tbc
Previous ACT London member meetings and guest speakers
- Endometriosis Discussion – lead by Pia Huber MBAcC and Eunhwa Ko MBAcC ( 4 February 2025)
- Acupuncture and Cancer Survivorship for Females, Beverley de Valois PhD FBAcC MBLS Honorary Research Fellow (21 January 2025)
- Male Infertility, Dr Olivia Poyer (19 September 2024)
- Male Infertility, Tim Davis ( 1oth July 2024)
- IVF in Practice, Gidon Lieberman, Gynaecologist & IVF Consultant from the Whittington Hospital (16 May 2024)
- Vaginal Microbiome and Fertility – Debbie Cotton from Invivo Healthcare (13 March 2024)
- Mindfulness – Martine Nates – Mindfulness (18 January 2024)
- PCOS update and treatment – Lily Lai (PhD) (7 September 2023)
- Enhancing fertility with nutrition through the menstrual cycle – Danny Blyth (13 July 2023)
- Morning Sickness – Interactive discussion – Pia Huber (10th May 2023)
- Aromapoint Therapy – Claire DaBreo (16 March 2023)
- Endometriosis – Jill Glover (18 January 2023)
- The Ins and Outs of Male Fertility – Ian Stones, Director of Testhim (24 November 2022)
- Integrative cancer care for gynaecological and breast cancers – Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel, Precision Health & Integrative Medicine Doctor, Scientist and Educator (14 September 2022)
- Nutrition for women’s health – Pilar Manzanaro (13 July 2022)
- Q & A on pregnancy and childbirth – Claudia Citkowitz, acupuncturist, researcher (12 May 2022)
- Yang Sheng, culinary herbs for fertility, pregnancy and post-partum – Alex Jacobs Herbalist, acupuncturist, Infinite Tai Chi and Qi Gong teacher (16 March 2022)
- TCM Nutrition for Fertility and Pregnancy – Daverick Leggett Teacher of Qigong and Nutrition (20 January 2022)
- Q & A session on treatment for sub-fertility (IUI, ICSI), early pregnancy complications – Gidon Lieberman Gynaecologist & IVF Consultant from the Whittington Hospital (24 November 2021)
- How to treat in the luteal phase – Debra Betts answers our questions (16 September 2021)
- All you every wanted to know about Social Media with Stacey Chapman (IT expert and Acupuncturist) 8 July 2021
- Heart wisdom, human consciousness, spirituality, health, energy medicine and the science of Ayurveda with Hema Vyas (Psychologist and Life Leadership Mentor) 12 May2021
- Alexander Technique – Applications in our Clinic with Judy Hammond (Alexander Teacher, Qi Gong teacher and Eqyptian Dancer) 11 March 2021
- Acupuncture and mushroom nutrition for fertility with Dr Trevor Wing (clinician, researcher and lecturer in female health) 20 January 2021
- Acupuncture protocols at time of implantation for IVF and IUI with Sandro Graca (Acupuncturist, member of Evidence based acupuncture and member of acupuncture Cochrane reviews) 19 November 2020
- Sound therapy with Gail Stewart ( paediatric nurse and practice nurse counsellor, trained singer and therapeutic dance teacher) 16 September 2020
- Telemedicine with Alison Savoury (Acupuncturist) 8 July 2020
- Mentoring and Supervision Role Play Pia Huber and Philippa Summers (20 November 2019)
- Unexplained infertility / presentation of Alexander Andersen 2018 JCM 118, p49 – case study meeting (19 September 2010)
- Menopause with Gidon Lieberman, Gynaecologist & IVF Consultant from the Whittington Hospital (4 July 2019)
- Homeopathy and Bach Flowers with Tony Pinkers from Ainsworth ( 15 May 2019)
- Marketing Workshop with Naava Carman (21 March 2019)
- Facial and Scalp Acupuncture by Jane Melling (16 Jan 2019)
- Red Flags in Pregnancy – Group discussion (29 Nov2018)
- IVF in practice by Gidon Lieberman, Gynaecologist & IVF Consultant from the Whittington Hospital (26 September 2018)
- The Alexander Technique – keeping balance and awareness of a changing body in pregnancy by Rosalie Segal (17 May 2018)
- Cranial sacral osteopathic support for women in pregnancy and post natal health by Sebastien de Sa Neves da Rocha, Cranial Osteopath (14 March 2018)
- Breastfeeding by Elizabeth Cetin, Midwife and Breast Feeding Consultant at the Brompton hospital (18 January 2018)
- Using one’s breath and voice by Julia Moody, Voice Coach (15 November 2017)
- Western herbal teas by Pia Huber (ACT member) and clinical discussion on contra-indications for moxibustion for breech presentation (14 September 2017)
- ScarWork, a powerful system of scar and adhesion healing by Jan Trewartha, former nurse, now specialising in the release of physical and emotional trauma through Body Realignment, a fascial release technique, and Energy Field Therapy ( (6 July 2017)
- Various scenarios of medical decisions taken by doctors during labour by Adil Moolan, Gynaecology & Obstetrics registrar from Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital (17 May 2017)
- The use of hypnotherapy and counselling during fertility treatments, in pregnancy and after giving birth by Hema Vyas BSc (Hon’s), DCH, NRAH, Psychologist and Hypnotherapist (16 March 2017)
- Immune related infertility and miscarriage by Trevor Wing MBRCP FRCHM MBAcC BSc (Hons) MSc (Dist) DMed(img) specialist in natural care for female conditions (18 January 2017)
- Nutrition and Fertility by Melanie Brown, Nutritionist (17 November 2016)
- Medicinal Mushrooms by Martin Powell, Chinese herbalist, biochemist and author (14 September 2016)
- IVF transfer day ‘To Paulus or not to Paulus’ that is the question…. by Jani White, Acupuncturist specialised in fertility and gynaecology (July 2016)
- Chiropractic therapy for paediatric patients and in pregnancy by Dr. Mary Anne Shiozawa, Doctor of Chiropractic (May 2016)
- Personality disorders intersecting with fertility issues by Dr Karen Gerber, Charted Clinical Psychologist and CBT therapist (March 2016)
- Role of Osteopathy in Pregnancy and the Fourth Trimester by Nancy Nunn, Registered Osteopathy and Specialist Paediatric Osteopath of the Nunhead Osteopathy Practice. (January 2016)
- Hypno-Birthing by Hollie de Cruz – Hypnobirthing specialist (November 2015)
- Bach Flower Essences by Liliana Bellini – Bach flower expert (September 2015)
- Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS) and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in IVF cycles by Naava Carmen – acupuncturist – fertility specialist (May 2015)
- Difficulties women experience when becoming pregnant by Hema Vyas – psychologist and hypnotherapist (March 2015)
- Post Natal Depression by Professor Louise Howard – Psychiatrist in Peri Natal Care (January 2015)
ACT London member benefits include access to the minutes and clinical notes of these meetings by logging in below. Please contact Rosalie Segal ( for username and password information.