Eunhwa Ko

Finchley Acupuncture Clinic, 66 Granville Road, London, N12 0HT
Belsize Health Clinic, 16 Englands Lane, London NW3 4TG
62-68 Granville Road London England N12 GB
BSc(hons) MBAcC DipTui-Na

Eunhwa was born and raised in South-Korea where Chinese Medicine is widely practised. Prior to her career as an acupuncturist, she worked as a nurse in the intensive care unit at a major hospital in Seoul, for a decade. There she learnt through her work the importance of living healthily and the need to focus on prevention of illness while we are well.

She completed a degree course in acupuncture at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM) in Reading, UK. Since graduation in 2009 she has practiced acupuncture and has treated a wide range of health conditions. To further increase her skills, she undertook courses in Tui-Na, ear candling, Indian head massage, and natural face massage. As part of treatments she uses these therapies where appropriate or beneficial.

During the years of practising acupuncture, she often helped women with fertility issues. Through this she has become familiar with treating gynaecological issues, assisting women in trying to improve natural fertility, as well as providing complementary treatment to assist IUI and IVF cycles. Through her continuous professional development (CPD) she further enhanced her knowledge in this area as this is of particular interest to her.

Eunhwa is currently undertaking a Master’s degree in Chinese Herbal Medicine at Westminster University.