BSc (Hons) Chinese Medicine : Acupuncture from the University of Westminster. MBAcC
Diploma in Gynaecology, Fertility & Obstetrics from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM)
Diploma in Paediatric Acupuncture from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM)
Lydia practices in Ealing and has lived in the borough for more than 20 years. Lydia practices Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture and, by addressing the root cause of the condition, can both help alleviate specific symptoms as well as improve general well-being. Lydia has a special interest in treating couples to become parents whether through natural or assisted methods, treating women through pregnancy (for such things as morning sickness, constipation, muscular-skeletal pain and anxiety), turning breach babies, preparation for birth and induction of labour as well as postnatal care. She has done extensive training for this through her Diploma in Gynaecology, Fertility & Obstetrics taught by Jill Glover, Rebecca Avern, Sarah Budd, Kim Chan and Sharon Yelland.
As well as treating with acupuncture Lydia gives both dietary and lifestyle advice to enable those that she sees to have overall better health which is key to improved fertility and a healthy pregnancy. Each patient has a bespoke treatment plan which recognises the uniqueness of their health and their underlying constitution.
Lydia has three children of her own and is very versed in the joys, privileges and challenges of fertility, pregnancy and being a parent.